Thursday, October 26, 2017

Australian animals clipart for teachers and not only

australian animals clipart
I love Australia, when I told her about my son, I wanted to introduce him to the animals that live there. I thought, why not draw a clip art with an Australian animal?
 Australia - the southern continent, the animal world of which is special in comparison with the fauna of other continents. Only in Australia can you find marsupial mammals who have a special fold of skin called a bag, being born very small, cubs of marsupials immediately move into this bag, and under her protection grow until they reach the size and level of development that allow them to start an independent life. was to find clipart with animals that look like real but not as serious as in the textbook.

And that's what I got, this clipart is suitable for teachers, for creating presentations and educational materials, as well as for moms who teach their kids at home.

Australian animals clipart includes 

australian animals clipart black white
24 PNG (no background) files + 
24 Black-White version PNG transparent background (outline/coloring)
Size one file about 5 inch 300 dpi 
 set includes: Wombat animal clipart -  He looks like either a huge hamster, or a small bear. This cute animal of Australia, does not live anymore on one continent. Wombs dig holes, and not just burrows, but whole underground dwellings with rooms and aisles. Their brains are superior to other marsupials in size, so they can very well even plan a labyrinth of underground communications. The length of the underground passages of the wombat can reach 30 meters.  
 platypus animal clipart - this mammal, similar to a beaver, has a nose similar to the beak of a duck. When in the 18th century the first news about a strange animal from far-off Australia came to Europe, the learned light did not believe in the existence of such an animal and accused the discoverers of cheating.  
australian animals clipart for teachers
koala animal clipart - The closest relatives of koalas are wombats, which also live in Australia. Koalas practically do not drink water, as the leaves contain enough moisture.
ostrich emu animal clipart - Emu is depicted on the state emblem and is often minted on various coins.
Tasmanian devil animal clipart The Tasmanian devil is a stocky predator with a very harsh temper. Although the size of the Tasmanian devil is comparable to the size of a small dog, it is more like a tiny bear.
bird kiwi - Kiwi bird has almost no wings, and feathers are very similar to wool. These birds are record holders for life expectancy, they can live up to 60 years.
I told you only about the brightest representatives, the full list of contents Australian animal clipart here:
  • brushtail possum
  • Cassowary
  • Chelodina expansa
  • Crocodylus acutus
  • Dingo
  • Echidna
  • Flying squirrel
  • Kangaroo
  • kiwi bird
  • koala
  • marsupial anteater
  • marsupial mole
  • ostrich Emu
  • Papilio ulysses
  • Peramelemorphia
  • Phalanger
  • platypus
  • rabbit
  • Sloth
  • Tasmanian devil
  • Thorny devil
  • Wombat

Well, of course, I attach a link to the clipart

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